Six on Saturday 18/04/20

I can see this SOS is going to be slightly different, the garden is so dry that cracks are appearing and nothing is taking off as it would usually in spring. So during the week I resorted to watering and did as much as I could manage in one go. I could not get the weeds that are growing in awkward places so planned to leave them, happily or unhappily it rained on and off all day yesterday and now I have no excuse! other than adopting a live and let live attitude.

It is a bit bizarre that my purse which usually lives in my handbag, now has taken up permanent residence next to the computer but hooray for online shopping. I know this has nothing to do with gardening but I am sure you will find a bucketful of the more serious stuff over on The Propagators blog. Read on to see my eclectic SOS of whats happening in my garden.


See what I mean about weeds!

LESSER CELANDINE (Ficaria verna)

Not a weed but a flower and not in the wrong place, it is allowed to ramp itself up to it’s full glory in the chicken garden.


No idea what this solitary little beauty is called and only the one has appeared, picture cheating …again.. as I took it a good 10 days ago when there was an early morning dew.


Not really I made it up they just looked like they were standing guard over the Muscarii


I have yet to find the time to get back on this, in fact I am not doing a daily walk either. I am very guilty of indulging myself and gardening every day. The bed behind is where an old split sleeper shed was taken down, which opened up the views to adjacent fields of sheep. Beyond the back edge is the railway line. The shells were stuck to lengths of wood with something that used to look remarkably like beach sand, sadly it has not stood up to our weather, French galvanized tubs that I used to hunt out at the Brocante markets, they are a great home to various sedums that usually enjoy the neglect but this year seem to be sulking and saying un peu d’eau s’il vous plait, so I did as they requested, hope they pick up.


I only have a few of this lovely dark tulip surviving, so last year moved them away from the chicken garden, it looks like they are happy with the move.

8 thoughts on “Six on Saturday 18/04/20

  1. Go with the flow when it comes to weeds – your celandine is just lovely there. A lovely six – enjoy self-indulging (with a spot of weeding) again this week. Good for the soul, from time to time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do I am really quite laid back about gardening and let weeds grow in the right place for me but Dandelions tend to take over with their seeding. Celandine likes to get in to close to small plants and takes the nutrients, on the bright they do die back. All for self indulging your 1euro plants took me back I have a holly tree about 5ft high now that I bought for same amount and came back to UK in a pot. Lovely to see your garden and I think you may be in a chateau?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. No – it’s an ordinary village (2 bed) house in a village that was built mostly in the Renaissance. There’s a line of houses built along the top of the old rampart walls. The walls, and one of the old towers in the village, are incorporated into our house and garden. We live in the old ‘watchkeeper’s house. So not as grand as it looks, but a gift for a gardener!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Lots of weeds here too and no rain because we didn’t have much. I imagine the amounts that there will be after a shower with this nice weather !
    I also grow ‘Queen of Night’ and I’ve added it in my Six this week. But the flowers are not highlighted enough because (in my opinion ) a little too much in the shade. I will change places next autumn.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. i have not managed to adopt a live and let live attitude to weeds. dandelions, daisies, celandine, clover, I got em all and that’s just in what’s left of my lawn. and don’t get me started on bindweed…


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